30 April 2011
10:32 AM | Posted by
Hi! We are looking for more Literary Spotlight submissions to be posted this upcoming Monday. Last week's Literary Spotlight was a great success and I'm hoping that this week's will be too!!! So if your a writer and you want to put your work out there then submit something to us. To learn more about Literary Spotlight and how to submit entries click here.

literary spotlight
And the winner is.....
10:15 AM | Posted by

And the winner of the Clockwork Dark Experience Giveaway is................Maria from Twilight and Other Dreams!!!!!!!!!

29 April 2011
Review: Space by Roger Reid
6:06 PM | Posted by
"The author of acclaimed novel Longleaf continues the saga of teenage sleuth Jason Caldwell. Set at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, Space incorporates factual information about astronomy and America's space program into its intriguing tale of suspicion and pursuit. The story communicates values of empathy and integrity as Jason struggles to understand his acerbic sidekick and makes promises to respect the confidence of others." (Barnes and Noble).
This book has more of a mysterious feel than the first book. This has some pretty surprising plot twists that I would have never expected. Again, there are also some pretty cool scientific facts thrown into the novel. I like how the facts aren't just randomly thrown in but intertwined within the novel and plot. This novel definitely does lack adventure. There are some really exciting parts in this book. Overall, it's an ok book.

Roger Reid,
Review: The White City by John Claude Bemis
4:02 PM | Posted by

The end is near :(. This is the last review for the Clockwork Dark Experience. If you haven't already you should definitely enter the giveaway...the winner will be announced tomorrow!

Here's the synopsis: "Now in the third and final book, the heroes come together at the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago for a final confrontation with a businessman and tycoon who is in fact an ageless evil known as the Gog. With his Dark Machine, he intends to bend the world to his ruthless vision of progress and efficiency. It's man versus machine all over again, fighting for the soul of humanity in front of Ferris's Wheel. For fans of adventure fantasy like Percy Jackson and Peter and the Starcatchers." (Barnes and Noble)
"Save the best for last" is definitely a true statement because out of all of the books in the series this is the best by far because this is the book where all loose ends are tied. This final book in the trilogy contained so much emotion and action. The constant emotion was great but also sad to a point where I was on the verge of tears. The suspense in this book is really heart pounding, keeping me constantly surprised and wondering what's going to happen next. The relationships in this book are done developing and turn out to be really cute and sad at the same time. Most, if not all, of the questions and mysteries are cleared up and answered. Overall, this is a great book about sacrifice and love.

For more info on John Claude Bemis click here
28 April 2011
Review: Family Ties by Ottilie Weber
9:59 PM | Posted by
This book was AMAZING!!! Here's the synopsis:
OMG! This is officially one of my favorite books, its right up there with Twilight! I loved the different POVs especially the POV of Emma so we can see how it was in her situation and also so we could see the parallel between Emma and Abby. I absolutely loved the relationship between Cory and Abby and how they turned out. Very cute :). This book gets really intense at times with the kidnapping and how that situation turns out. I felt really bad for Abby and was really mad at Wilhelm! I don't want to give anything away but this book is really good and I suggest you go out to the store and buy it right now!

"Abby's family prides itself with its knowledge of its rich family history. Unfortunately they may be kidding themselves. While trying to survive her summer job armed only with her sarcastic wit and her best friend Cory, she thinks things couldn't get worse. But when she is kidnapped, she learns to be careful what she wishes for!" (back of book)
OMG! This is officially one of my favorite books, its right up there with Twilight! I loved the different POVs especially the POV of Emma so we can see how it was in her situation and also so we could see the parallel between Emma and Abby. I absolutely loved the relationship between Cory and Abby and how they turned out. Very cute :). This book gets really intense at times with the kidnapping and how that situation turns out. I felt really bad for Abby and was really mad at Wilhelm! I don't want to give anything away but this book is really good and I suggest you go out to the store and buy it right now!

For more info on Ottilie Weber click here
To buy the book click here

Family Ties,
Ottilie Weber,
26 April 2011
Literary Spotlight (1)
8:48 PM | Posted by

Hey! Welcome to our first Literary Spotlight! I want to thank everyone who submitted and feel free to submit something else in the future. Try your luck at having one of your works being featured here in the top 5. Ok.....what we've all been waiting for......the top 5 entries!
#1: Guidelines by Ellen Harger
#2: I'll Rise by Shah Warton
#3: Rebuild by Matthew Norsworthy
#4: Sleight of Heart by Shah Warton
#5: I Will Dance To My Own Tune by Shah Warton
If you are interested in making a submission click here
by Ellen Harger
Is it rejection or
a new sense of direction
when the envelope returns thick and bulky?
But the humor lies inside
in a list of DO NOT submit.
Suggestions for your next attempt.
No poetry please.
This I can hardly believe.
What’s wrong with poetry?
Is it a sty on the eye of publishing,
or just a pet peeve?
No science fiction or horror.
Since science has caught up with fiction
to create the unpardonable horror
they don’t want anymore.
No re-written fairy tales.
What story line isn’t re-written?
No romance for a plot
for Harlequin has that one
all used up.
No surrealism, metaphysics,
avant garde, “movement” stories,
or “my computer-writes-better-than-I-do” stories.
You feel tired
but the list still goes on.
The title changes to Beware of
and you are
as you read the so called
generic character…
dragons and elves
unicorns and sea creatures
ghosts and wizards
In other words these pairs weren’t on the ark
they drowned in the flood
let their fossils be.
To end the suggestions on a final note
they reject all but
“the truly unusual and well-written ones.”
Submissions are truly submissive.
~ ~ ~
"I'll Rise"
by Shah Warton
Lipstick on my ample mouth: Check. Flirty summer dress that loves my curves: Check. These dancing hips to carry me there: Check.
You’re ready, then. Now, remember what your grandma told ya: 'No one is born with courage, but we are all born with potential.’ You’re gonna get that job, and on the way you’re gonna look em’ all right in their hateful eyes and say, “Hey, you; you see me? You like what you see, huh? You like the sassiness of my walk, the haughtiness of my laugh. You’ve seen me moving on the dance floor, yeah? I saw that look in your eyes. I can move and I can be any-damn-thing I want to be, and you don’t like it, do you? Little Miss Prissy.”
Yeah, that’s what I’ll say to the working men with their crude remarks, and the fancy ladies, shopping for hats. They’re all gonna see me rise.
Time was, I’d have walked with my head slung low, my back curved over, my timid face pointed at my bare’n’bleedin feet. Those stories of the whippings and the hangings, of the raping and beatings; they all put the fear of God into to us, kids. There were no sassy black ladies, shoulders back, taking on the world, then.
I grew to feel that I’d never have nothing, never be nothing, never see nothing. Even so, I’m rising above all that, now. They don’t like it. They don’t want it. They want me scared; they want me locked away within my colour, for eternity.
History books at schools, they never tell the story like it was. I’m gonna keep the truth out there. It’s the only way to keep my folks, and their folks and their folks, alive. The only way to free their dreams and hopes is through me. And others like me. And every day, there are more like me.
Throughout my life, I’ve been looked at like I’m two feet tall, now I stride like I’m twenty feet or more. Ladies fear their husbands wanna pluck diamonds at the meeting of my thighs. Men fear the self respect I ooze in every movement of my curves. The funny thing is, I ain’t got diamonds, but I dance like I do, and the freedom I seize makes me the richest one in any room, on any street. Hell, I walk like I got oil wells pumping in my living room.
They will make cruel remarks, sure. I ain’t stupid, and I ain’t never gonna lose my memories, let alone my pride. It ain’t us who enslaved innocent people; I feel no shame. No way, no how! But as they trip me up, shoot me with their eyes, and target me with hate; I’ll rise like the moon, the sun, and the tides. I’ll breathe the air, and kick up the dust, just as they do. I got rights, just like they do.
Lord, through ingrained fear, casting off nights of terror – I will rise. Through their shame, I rise. Beating on their prejudice, I’ll face my future head-on. I'll stroll into a dawn that’s clear, bearing the dreams and hopes of every slave. Through it all, for us and for them, for freedom and for peace – I’ll rise.
Now, where was I? Purse: Check. Keys: Check. Okay – let’s go get me that job!
~ ~ ~
by Matthew Norsworthy
Let's throw down a new perspective
Start it all over as the sun begins to rise
Let's live a life not over-protective
See a world of beauty through new eyes
See a world of beauty through new eyes
Burning bridges is a thing of the past
Let's build it all back one plank at a time
Using stronger rope to make it all last
Let's meet in the middle like we did when we were nine.
If you like what you read check out his poetry book here
~ ~ ~
"Sleight of Heart"
by Shah Warton
I am all consuming, it is said. I hold your silly hearts in my hands. Oh – such power I command. I am revered by every one of you for being requisite, devoted and everlasting, despite being pretty awful, at times. You know nothing, you fools.
I am the sickness, which allows each lie I tell of inaccessible futures, to deceive you; I am the oracle of lies itself. I will ensnare you with deceptions of such beauty; you would have to be dead to deny me. And yet, in time you will wish to be dead, to escape my grip.
I am, in fact, the enemy of everyone, and the most dangerous enemy of all. No one will agree with this you see, because everyone secretly or evidently wants what I offer.
The biggest secret around is that I am not fit for purpose.
I do not bring everlasting happiness. I do not bless lives with euphoria in abundance. I merely give you a taste of it, I tease and then, when it will hit the hardest, I withdraw; often without reason.
False love is cruelty incarnate.
Sometimes, even after a lifetime of my presence, I will leave and touch others, elsewhere. I especially like to tease those who believe they possess me, because they are the biggest fools; blind to my cunning, my betrayal.
I seek to teach the truth of me, of my ways, but by the time the lessons are learned, my students are old, alone and damned to solitude; fearing a repetition of such sorrows. By then they are consigned to emptiness. And I have won...again and always.
So see here, I give my lesson early to you lucky readers; a one-time deal. You young, careless and clueless boys and girls – listen up. I am schooled in treachery; I am a temple devoid of worship; the mother of all longing. I will thwart all sources of refuge; I will lead you and leave you to beg for release from a maze of grief, without end. I will fool you with temptations as yet without match in either taste or sound; and then when all is good and smiles enrich your daily rituals of love, I will vanish and leave only wreckage, for my own, torturous amusement.
I am not poetry, not happiness, not about truth or eternity; I am death in disguise - Hell dressed as Heaven. I am the darkness in the light, an abyss within the joy! A false love.
Blood and life are merely transitory; souls are easily gained when love rears its pretty head. So, if you should come to know me, do not be the fool; dare to bid me a sweet farewell. And deny yourself the sweetest taste of pain you would ever know.
~ ~ ~
"I Will Dance To My Own Tune"
by Shah Warton
I’m often a flirt, and I will not deny it.
I’ll sly up my skirt and see that you love it.
I’ll taste of the dust, as it blows history
I’ll chase all the legends, for they will serve me
I’ll skip in your sight, like wealth is my mate
I’ll dress in my best and threaten your fate
You’ll see how I dance to my own tune
I'll make you question, as I make you swoon
I’ll know of your truth, though I’ll argue my own
And I'll squat upon your sacred, white throne.

literary spotlight
24 April 2011
Review: Longleaf by Roger Reid
7:30 PM | Posted by
Hey hey hey! I'm back to write my second review to day! I just finished Longleaf by Roger Reid so of course I am dying to tell you what I thought but first here's the synopsis:
This is a great, short, quick to the point, adventurous, and educational book! This book does not have all the fluff at the beginning that some books have. It states everything you need to know in the second chapter. I also like how the chapters are short and sweet. I love the budding relationship between Jason and Leah. I think it's really cute :). This book also contains lots of adventure and has alittle heart pounding moments here and there. Not only does this book contain adventure and romance, this book also contain some very educational facts about science in general and about the Conecuh National Forest. No, it is not some boring educational book but there is a few facts thrown into the mix. Overall, I think this is a very good book and I currently have my nose in the second book.

"When 14-year-old Jason Caldwell goes camping with his scientist parents, all he expects is peace and quiet. But before they arrive, Jason has already been the witness to a crime, and soon he'll find himself lost among the very longleaf pines that his parents hoped to study. Now Jason--and his new forest-smart friend Leah--will have to use all their knowledge of the outdoors to outwit a trio of villains and make it home safe. Set in the real-life Conecuh National Forest, Longleaf is a thrilling adventure for boys and girls--and an excellent introduction to the plants and animals of the Conecuh region, written by Discovering Alabama producer Roger Reid." (New South Books).
This is a great, short, quick to the point, adventurous, and educational book! This book does not have all the fluff at the beginning that some books have. It states everything you need to know in the second chapter. I also like how the chapters are short and sweet. I love the budding relationship between Jason and Leah. I think it's really cute :). This book also contains lots of adventure and has alittle heart pounding moments here and there. Not only does this book contain adventure and romance, this book also contain some very educational facts about science in general and about the Conecuh National Forest. No, it is not some boring educational book but there is a few facts thrown into the mix. Overall, I think this is a very good book and I currently have my nose in the second book.

For more information about Roger Reid click here
To buy this book click here

Roger Reid
Review: Soul Quest by Amy Jones
2:42 PM | Posted by
Hey fellow bookworms! I have just finished Soul Quest by Amy Jones...man am i on a roll! It was a great book and you should definitely buy it and check it out :). Here's the synopsis:
This is definitely an action packed book! One of my favorite things about this book was how Amy Jones starts the book off in the present but then goes back to show us how they got to that point. I like how we get to see the different points of view from all the characters in the book. It helps to depict their feelings and reactions toward things. I love all the romantic relationships that Liv and her friends have. I also the relationship between the Guardians and the Human Oracles. This books grips you in the first chapter and makes you want to continue reading so that you can figure out what's going on. I just love the whole storyline of this book and I can't wait for the second book to come out! Overall this was a great read!

"Liv Glyn is torn between two worlds, Earth, her home and Arcadia, a world unknown to Liv. Never the less, duty calls for Liv and her companions of Spirit, Laith, Brayan and Meena, to take action. What ensues is a supernatural showdown at Forest Hills High, corpses mysteriously surface in the Hudson and a Valentine's Day Dance turns into a murder investigation. A quest for humanity begins. "
This is definitely an action packed book! One of my favorite things about this book was how Amy Jones starts the book off in the present but then goes back to show us how they got to that point. I like how we get to see the different points of view from all the characters in the book. It helps to depict their feelings and reactions toward things. I love all the romantic relationships that Liv and her friends have. I also the relationship between the Guardians and the Human Oracles. This books grips you in the first chapter and makes you want to continue reading so that you can figure out what's going on. I just love the whole storyline of this book and I can't wait for the second book to come out! Overall this was a great read!

For more information on Amy Jones click here
To purchase this book click here

Amy Jones,
Soul Quest
22 April 2011
Review: The Immortality Virus by Christine Amsden
7:51 PM | Posted by
I just finished The Immortality Virus by Christine Amsden yesterday so I decided to write the review today! Here's the synopsis:

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The Immortality Virus by Christine Amsden |
"In the mid-21st century, the human race stopped aging. Those who know why aren't talking, and the few who are brave enough to ask questions tend to disappear. To an elite few, The Change means long life and health, but to the increasing masses, it means starvation, desperation, and violence.
Four centuries after The Change, Grace Harper, a blacklisted P.I., sets off on a mission to find the man responsible for it all and solicit his help to undo The Change - if he's still alive. To complicate matters, Grace's employer is suspected of murdering his father, and when the police learn of their connection, they give her a choice - help them find the evidence they need to convict Matthew Stanton, or die. But if they discover Grace's true mission, they won't hesitate to kill her in order to protect their shot at immortality." (Barnes and Noble).
I thought this was a pretty good book! There are ton of genres in this one book: romance, sci-fi, action, and adventure. This is what makes it such a good book. It does start off a little slow at the beginning but by the time you get to the middle of the book it really picks up. I was so engrossed in this book that I finished it in a day. I love how this book is something new instead of the same old romance story or action story. It's something that I've never read about in a book and definitely a unique topic. I would definitely recommend this book to all the sci-fi and action lovers out there. Go pick up the e-book today! The paperback version comes out June 15, 2011, so mark your calendars :). Also, check out her book called, Touch of Fate.

For more information about Christine Amsden click here
To purchase the e-book click here

Christine Amsden,
The Immortality Virus
15 April 2011
Review: The Wolf Tree by John Claude Bemis
3:56 PM | Posted by

Hey! Here's the second review for The Clockwork Dark Experience. Today I'm reviewing The Wolf Tree by John Claude Bemis. Here's an summary:

"'Can you imagine eternal Darkness, sir?'
So asks the sickly stranger who staggers into Peg Leg Nel's birthday party. Before the man dies, he tells Ray and his friends of a Darkness spreading like wildfire across Kansas, turning good people bad and poisoning anyone who tries to escape. It's clear that though the evil Gog is dead, his devilish machine has survived and is growing stronger. Now a full-fledged Rambler, Ray leads his friends on a mission into the heart of darkness. Vital to their success is tracking down the legendary Wolf Tree, rumored to be a pathway to the spirit world. Only with one of the tree's limbs can the Nine Pound Hammer be repaired and the Gog's terrible machine finally destroyed. The search for the Wolf Tree grows desperate as the Darkness spreads, threatening Ray, his friends, and all of humanity." (Barnes and Noble)
If The Nine Pound Hammer was amazing then The Wolf Tree was extraordinary! This book sucks you in right at the beginning with the talk of "The Darkness". This sequel was in my opinion more suspenseful and kept me surprised the more I read. My favorite part was finding out that....well, I don't want to spoil it for you ;) . There were so many events happening that I couldn't put the book down. Another thing I liked about it is that it's not only told in Ray's point of view this time around. We get to see things from Sally's point of view and her feelings toward everything thats been going on. We also get to see the thoughts and feelings of Jolie, Conker, and other characters in the book. There are a few new characters introduced spicing the book up a bit also. There were some HUGE surprises in this book! Some questions are answered but mostly new questions asked. Overall, this is my favorite book in the series so far but I do have one more to read so we'll see :)

To find out more about John Claude Bemis click here.
08 April 2011
Review: The Nine Pound Hammer by John Claude Bemis
4:38 PM | Posted by

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The Nine Pound Hammer by John Claude Bemis |
This is one of the best books I ever read! There are many twists and turns throughout the novel that kept me on the edge of my seat. Once I started I couldn't put it down until I was finished. I love the budding relationship between Ray and Conker. I love that this book also has some historical aspects because it makes the book even better than it already is. It helps add to the sense of mystery throughout the novel. This book also has a great sense of adventure. Ray and his newfound friends end up going on many adventures as the novel progresses. My favorite part of the book is the end. It was so intense and surprising. Overall, this is a great novel!! You should definitely go pick it up at your local bookstore.

To find out more about John Claude Bemis click here.
And The Winner Is.....(drumroll please)
3:17 PM | Posted by
The winner of the 100 follower giveaway is.....suspenseyourbelief! Congrats, I hope you enjoy Killer by Mari Miniatt!
If you didn't win this one don't be discouraged because we have another giveaway going on as we speak! Check out The Clockwork Dark Experience post for more info :)
If you didn't win this one don't be discouraged because we have another giveaway going on as we speak! Check out The Clockwork Dark Experience post for more info :)

07 April 2011
The Clockwork Dark Experience (closed)
9:29 PM | Posted by

Are you ready for The Clockwork Dark Experience!!! This is Books Ahoy's first BIG event. This event is going to have reviews, interviews, and of course an awesome giveaway (US residents only)! This first "experience" is going to be centered around The Clockwork Dark trilogy by John Claude Bemis!
Apr. 8 ------ Review of The Nine Pound Hammer by John Claude Bemis
Apr. 15 ------ Review of The Wolf Tree by John Claude Bemis
Apr. 22 ------ Interview with John Claude Bemis (TBD)
Apr. 29 ------ Review of The White City by John Claude Bemis
Apr. 30 ------ Announcement of giveaway winner!
The Giveaway Winner Will Receive...
The Nine Pound Hammer by John Claude Bemis
The Wolf Tree by John Claude Bemis
The White City by John Claude Bemis (ARC copy)

Hope you will join us in the fun and spread the word!
To enter into the giveaway fill out the form below.

05 April 2011
Suzanne Collins Interview
6:06 PM | Posted by
Hello. I have an interview from Suzanne Collins to share with you today. Suzanne Collins has written two series: The Underland Chronicles and The Hinger Games Trilogy. The interview today will be focused on The Hunger Games which is currently being filmed as a movie. The interview can be found at http://www.scholastic.com/thehungergames/about-the-author.htm.%20. You can visit Suzanne Collins as her website: www.suzannecollinsbooks.com.
Q: You have said from the start that The Hunger Games story was intended as a trilogy. Did it actually end the way you planned it from the beginning?
A: Very much so. While I didn’t know every detail, of course, the arc of the story from gladiator game, to revolution, to war, to the eventual outcome remained constant throughout the writing process. 
Q: We understand you worked on the initial screenplay for a film to be based on The Hunger Games. What is the biggest difference between writing a novel and writing a screenplay?
A: There were several significant differences. Time, for starters. When you’re adapting a novel into a two-hour movie you can’t take everything with you. The story has to be condensed to fit the new form. Then there’s the question of how best to take a book told in the first person and present tense and transform it into a satisfying dramatic experience. In the novel, you never leave Katniss for a second and are privy to all of her thoughts so you need a way to dramatize her inner world and to make it possible for other characters to exist outside of her company. Finally, there’s the challenge of how to present the violence while still maintaining a PG-13 rating so that your core audience can view it. A lot of things are acceptable on a page that wouldn’t be on a screen. But how certain moments are depicted will ultimately be in the director’s hands.
Q: Are you able to consider future projects while working on The Hunger Games, or are you immersed in the world you are currently creating so fully that it is too difficult to think about new ideas?
A: I have a few seeds of ideas floating around in my head but—given that much of my focus is still on The Hunger Games—it will probably be awhile before one fully emerges and I can begin to develop it.
Q: The Hunger Games is an annual televised event in which one boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts is forced to participate in a fight-to-the-death on live TV. What do you think the appeal of reality television is—to both kids and adults?
A: Well, they’re often set up as games and, like sporting events, there’s an interest in seeing who wins. The contestants are usually unknown, which makes them relatable. Sometimes they have very talented people performing. Then there’s the voyeuristic thrill—watching people being humiliated, or brought to tears, or suffering physically—which I find very disturbing. There’s also the potential for desensitizing the audience, so that when they see real tragedy playing out on, say, the news, it doesn’t have the impact it should.
Q: If you were forced to compete in the Hunger Games, what do you think your special skill would be?
A: Hiding. I’d be scaling those trees like Katniss and Rue. Since I was trained in sword-fighting, I guess my best hope would be to get hold of a rapier if there was one available. But the truth is I’d probably get about a four in Training.
Q: The trilogy’s premise is very brutal, yet is handled so tastefully. Was this a difficult balance to achieve?
A: Yes, the death scenes are always hard to write. It’s difficult to put kids in violent situations—Gregor (the protagonist in The Underland Chronicles) is in a war, Katniss is in a gladiator game. Characters will die. It’s not fun to write, but I think if you can’t commit to really doing the idea, it’s probably better to work on another type of story. Given that, you have to remember who you’re trying to reach with the book. I try and think of how I would tell a particularly difficult event to my own children. Exactly what details they need to know to really understand it, and what would be gratuitous.
Q: What do you hope readers will come away with when they read The Hunger Games?
A: Questions about how elements of the book might be relevant in their own lives. And, if they’re disturbing, what they might do about them.
Q: In The Hunger Games, Katniss and Gale have an extensive knowledge of hunting, foraging, wildlife, and survival techniques. What kinds of research did you do, if any?
A: Some things I knew from listening to my dad talking about his childhood. He grew up during the Depression. For his family, hunting was not a sport but a way to put meat on the table. He also knew a certain amount about edible plants. He’d go into the woods and gather all these wild mushrooms and bring them home and sauté them. My mom wouldn’t let any of us go near them! But he’d eat them up and they never harmed him, so I guess he knew which ones were safe, because wild mushrooms can be very deadly. I also read a big stack of wilderness survival guidebooks. And here’s what I learned: you’ve got to be really good to survive out there for more than a few days.
Q: How long would it take for North America to deteriorate into the world depicted in the books?
A: You’d have to allow for the collapse of civilization as we know it, the emergence of Panem, a rebellion, and seventy-four years of the Hunger Games. We’re talking triple digits.
Q: What was it like to return to the world of the Hunger Games to write Catching Fire and then Mockingjay?
A: Honestly, I feel like I never left it. The revisions of Book I overlapped with the writing of Book II, just as Book II has overlapped with Book III. Since each book feeds into the next, I feel like part of my brain’s been in Panem continuously
Q: Do you have every book completely mapped out, or do you have a general idea and then take it from there? Did you run into things that were unexpected plot-wise or character-wise?
A: I’ve learned it helps me to work out the key structural points before I begin a story. The inciting incident, acts, breaks, mid-story reversal, crisis, climax, those sorts of things. I’ll know a lot of what fills the spaces between them as well, but I leave some uncharted room for the characters to develop. And if a door opens along the way, and I’m intrigued by where it leads, I’ll definitely go through it.
Q: How do you typically spend your workday? Do you have a routine as you write?
A: I grab some cereal and sit down to work as soon as possible. The more distractions I have to deal with before I actually begin writing, the harder focusing on the story becomes. Then I work until I’m tapped out, usually sometime in the early afternoon. If I actually write three to five hours, that’s a productive day. Some days all I do is stare at the wall. That can be productive, too, if you’re working out character and plot problems. The rest of the time, I walk around with the story slipping in and out of my thoughts.
Q: You are probably getting a lot of fan mail! What is the most surprising feedback you’ve received for The Hunger Games? (Or, what has surprised you the most about the feedback you’re getting for The Hunger Games.)
A: Probably how differently people view the book. Some are attracted to the dystopian world, others are there for action and adventure, still others for the romance. The readers are defining the book in very personal and exciting ways.
Q: What were some of your favorite novels when you were a teen?
A: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle Lord of the Flies by William Golding Boris by Jaapter Haar Germinal by Emile Zola Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
Catching Fire,
Suzanne Collins,
The Hunger Games
04 April 2011
Review: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
9:41 PM | Posted by
So, I just finished reading Water for Elephants today. I know alot of you were anxious to see what I thought about it, so here it is :) Here is the summary from the back of the book:

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Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen |
"As a young man, Jacob Jankowski was tossed by fate onto a rickety train that was home to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. I was the early part of the Great Depression, and for Jacob the circus was both his salvation and a living hell. A veterinary student just shy of a degree, he was put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It was there that he met Marlena, the beautiful equestrian star married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. And he met Rosie, and untrainable elephant who was the great gray hope for this third-rate traveling show. The bond that grew among this unlikely trio was ultimately their only hope for survival."
I love this book!! To me this book will become a classic, such as To Kill a Mockingbird or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Throughout the book, the story switches from the old Jacob to the young Jacob. It is a little confusing at times to tell which is talking, the old Jacob or young Jacob, but most of the time it was pretty obvious. Another thing I love about this book is the love triangle. I love romance books and this is definitely a romance book. I was really surprised at the end when Marlena did what she did just to be with Jacob. I had mixed emotions about that. I was glad that Marlena and Jacob could finally be together, but the way she accomplished that is really pretty sad. This book not only has romance, but it also has a little history thrown into the mix. The book is set in the Great Depression and it is portrayed really well in the book. The relationship between Rosie and Jacob was also really sweet and cute. Overall, I thought it was a really good book although there were some parts I wish would not have been included in the story.

Sara Gruen,
Water for Elephants
Update :D
5:24 PM | Posted by
Hey!! Just wanted to let you guys know that I have finished Water for Elephants so a review should be up for that later today and I have just started The Clockwork Dark Trilogy by John Claude Bemis. After I finish reading all three I will be having a giveaway of all three books so get excited!!! Also, there is an interview with Suzanne Collins coming up soon!

01 April 2011
Visit This Awesome Blog!!!
10:31 PM | Posted by
Hey guys! I just to spread the word about this awesome blog at http://www.scottareighard.blogspot.com/. He's new to the game just like me so go show him some love and follow his blog :) He has written 3 awesome books also!

scott a reighard,
spread the word
100 Follower Giveaway!!!!! (Closed)
7:41 PM | Posted by

Get ready for Books Ahoy's first giveaway EVER!!! We are hosting a 100 Follower Giveaway because are just a few people short of 100 followers. The giveaway is going to be from April 1 - April 8. The lucky winner will receive the book Killer by Mari Miniatt. Just fill out the form below to enter. (US residents only) Here's a summary of Killer by Mari Miniatt:
"Vincent had been a killer. Now his prey comes to him. He no longer has to hunt or worry about his meals. It has gotten too easy. Two vampires come into his life. An old friend and a new competition. When one of them crosses the line and hurts one of Vincent's donors. He has to become like he had been, a killer. But this time, things go very differently."(Smashwords)

Mari Miniatt
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- Review: The White City by John Claude Bemis
- Review: Family Ties by Ottilie Weber
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- Review: Longleaf by Roger Reid
- Review: Soul Quest by Amy Jones
- Review: The Immortality Virus by Christine Amsden
- Review: The Wolf Tree by John Claude Bemis
- Review: The Nine Pound Hammer by John Claude Bemis
- And The Winner Is.....(drumroll please)
- The Clockwork Dark Experience (closed)
- Suzanne Collins Interview
- Review: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
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- 100 Follower Giveaway!!!!! (Closed)