31 December 2011

A Good Way To Reign In 2011

Here are some premade templates I have made for you guys!!

The first one I like to call Me, Myself, and Books
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The second one is called Owl Reads and also my favorite :)
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If you are interested in purchasing one of these click here
30 December 2011

Follow Friday!!!!

Q: The New Year is here — and everyone wants to know your New Years Blogging Resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp and redo for 2012 on your blog?

My New Years Blogging Resolution is to participate in more blog hops and memes. Also to revive and revamp my own weekly meme Literary Spotlight. What about you?

Review: WinterTown by Stephen Emond

Hey guys :) Today I am reviewing a book called WinterTown by Stephen Emond that mixes pictures and words to make an awesome story. I hope you love it as much as I did.

Every winter, straight-laced, Ivy League bound Evan looks forward to a visit from Lucy, a childhood pal who moved away after her parent's divorce. But when Lucy arrives this year, she's changed. The former "girl next door" now has chopped dyed black hair, a nose stud, and a scowl. But Evan knows that somewhere beneath the Goth, "Old Lucy" still exists, and he's determined to find her... even if it means pissing her off.
This book was AMAZING!!!! This book combines two things every bookworm loves.....pictures and an awesome plot. It took me all of one day to read the book.  I think the pictures really help bring out the vision that forms in your head whenever you read.  They just add an awesome touch to the story line. The storyline is great also. It reminds me of a movie........I can't think of the name *tell me in the comments if you know what I'm talking about*. Anyway....I love the sort of low key romance between Evan and Lucy.  It's not to heavy and it's not to light.....just right :). There are alot of surprising things that happen in this book that you will have to read to find out. So hop by your local book store and buy this book!!! You will love it :).

My Rating:

For info on Stephen Emond click here

To buy the book: Amazon | BN

18 December 2011

I have launched another review site.....but for music :)

I love music just as much as a love books so I decided to make a music review blog also called Busted Speakers :)  The site is for music reviews, introduction to new music and artists, and also to promote forthcoming artists trying to get themselves out into the blogosphere. So be sure to check us out and you can expect a review of Wintertown here on Books Ahoy later on today and a review of Adele's album 21 today or tomorrow on Busted Speakers.  So check us out! :)

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Sing by Vivi Greene

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