20 September 2011

ARC Review: Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday

Hey I have another review for you guys today!!!!! Today I will tell you about a great book called Deadly Cool, which is actually going to be a series.   This book comes out October 11, 2011! Here's the synopsis:

First I find out that my boyfriend is cheating on me. Then he’s pegged as the #1 suspect in a murder. And now he’s depending on me to clear his name. Seriously? As much as I wouldn’t mind watching him squirm, I know that he’s innocent. So I’m brushing off my previously untapped detective skills and getting down to business. But I keep tripping over dead bodies and I’m still no closer to figuring out who did it. And what’s worse: all signs seem to point to me as the killer’s next victim. I really need to pick a better boyfriend next time.
This was a great mystery book!!  I am a huge fan of mystery books and this certaintly does mystery books justice.  First of all the mystery itself was really good. I had no idea who the killer was and it's certaintly a surprise when you find out.  Every chapter keeps you wanting more and more to find out whodunit.  I also love the relationships between all the characters and I think it kept the book feeling like a teenage book.  The plot, charcters, and overall book was great!  I can't wait to read more from Gemma Halliday.  I also absolutely LOVE the cover!!!! :) PS: Be on the lookout for the second book Social Suicide!

For more information on Gemma Halliday click here

For information on the second book click here

To preorder the book: Amazon | BN
19 September 2011

An updated look! :)

Hey guys!!!! I just totally renovated my Blogovation Design blog site and I would love to hear your feedback! :) Blogovation Design gave itself a renovation....lol :) . What do you think?









And this is for a surprise event ;)

Those are some of the major changes. If you want to see it up close and personal then just visit my blog design at http://www.blogovationdesign.blogspot.com/

15 September 2011

The Crossroads Experience (Giveaway)

Hey guys!!! The Crossroads Experience has started and I am the first stop! As you know I have done many things with Mary Ting such as a interview and a review.  So, I decided to do a giveaway of the book since that was the only thing I hadn't done and I want to share an AMAZING book with you guys!!! The giveaway will be going on for the duration of the tour which is from Sept.15 - Sept. 28 and it's International. So you have two weeks to enter to win a great book!  All you have to do is leave your blog name, email, and preferred ebook format in the comments below and you'll be entered! Good luck!

Mary Ting is also hosting a giveaway for the whole duration of the tour.  The prizes include a signed copy of Crossroads, a heart necklace, and a bracelt.  To enter to win click here.
The winner will be announced on her blog here.

PS: If you want to follow along with the rest of the tour here is the schedule:

Sept.15 : Books Ahoy (Giveaway) http://www.books-ahoy.blogspot.com/
Sept.16 : Keeping Up with the Rheinlander's (Guest Post) http://mnmrheinlander.blogspot.com/  
Sept.17 : StephLikesBooks (Review & Author Interview) http://stephlikesbooks.blogspot.com/  
Sept.18 : Books Like Breathing (Review & Guest Post) http://bookslikebreathing.blogspot.com/  
Sept.19 : Jen @ A Books and A Latte (Giveaway & Guest Post) http://bookandlatte.blogspot.com/  
Sept.20 : Le'Grande Codex (Review, Author Interview, & Giveaway) http://le-grande-codex.blogspot.com/  
Sept.21 : Cup of Tea Reviews (Review & Guest Post) http://cupofteareviews.blogspot.com/  
Sept.22 : From the Bookshelf of T.B. (Review, Author Interview, & Giveaway) http://www.ftbotbblog.blogspot.com/  
Sept.23 : SeeitORreadit (Character Interview & Giveaway) http://seeitorreadit.blogspot.com/  
Sept.24 : After the Book (Author Interview & Giveaway) http://afterthebook.blogspot.com/  
Sept.25: A Casual Reader's Blog (Review & Guest Post) http://www.ellsey.blogspot.com/  
Sept.26: Mom Reads My Books! (Review & Giveaway) http://www.momreadsmybooks.blogspot.com/  
Sept.27: YA Books: Beyond the Cover (Guest Post) http://yabooksbeyondthecover.blogspot.com/  
Sept.28: The Magic Attic (Review, Character Interview, & Giveaway) http://www.theawesomemagicattic.blogspot.com/  
12 September 2011

Review: inkBlot by Johnson Naigle

Here's my review of inkBlot by Johnson Naigle! Just to let you know....it as AWESOME! :) Here's the synopsis:
Eighteen-year-old web entrepreneur Ronnie Wright owns the virally popular website, inkBLOT. Determined to sweep local newspaper reporter, Chelsea Pressman, off her feet, he tries to wow her with his internet success. Chelsea has one goal, making it big as a reporter. Unfortunately the editor isn’t tossing any good stories her way. But her luck changes and she is first in l...moreEighteen-year-old web entrepreneur Ronnie Wright owns the virally popular website, inkBLOT. Determined to sweep local newspaper reporter, Chelsea Pressman, off her feet, he tries to wow her with his internet success. Chelsea has one goal, making it big as a reporter. Unfortunately the editor isn’t tossing any good stories her way. But her luck changes and she is first in line to cover a string of bizarre crimes. The notoriety she’s gaining from the front-page stories is addictive. The police finally trace the crimes to a common link – inkBLOT. Now, Ronnie has to clear his name as the number one suspect in Chelsea’s headline crimes.
Well, I love mystery and suspense books so this is def one of my favorite books! I have never read a mystery book quite like this one.....it's very unique and I love it!  I mean this book is so devious and sneaky ;).  So to start off I want to say that I love the sprinkle of romance between Ronnie and Chelsea, it really did a good job of diverting the reader away from having any sort of suspicions.  I also loved the hinted the underlying relationship with Ronnie and his BFF :).  That turned out to be really cute.  But, back to the mystery, I had no clue who to suspect while reading this book until of course the end.   This is a very well written suspense/mystery novel with tons of twists of turns.  I also loved how they made detail matter.  You'll come towards the end of the book when everything is wrapping up and you'll be like, "Oh yeahhhh, it all makes sense now :)".  This is def one of my mystery books so far! :)


For everything you could possible need to know about inkBlot click here.

I'm Backkk! :)

Hey guys!!!! It's nice to.....write you again :).  I know i've been gone for awhile. Everythings been really hectic with school and everything so i was readjusting but I'm back from my leave of absence with tons of announcements! First, I've finished 3 books since I've been gone: inkBlot by Johnson Naigle, Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday, and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.  I've gotten Shut Out by Kody Kepler in the mail. I've booked three tours for The Experience Tours. And.....I've started reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. So I've been super super busy! Oh and I almost forgot! I also reached 300 followers in my leave of absence which is AMAZING!!! Def be on the lookout for a giveaway ;)...I wonder what I'm going to giveaway??? So yeah that's what I've been up so and now I am about to go write a review for inkBlot by Nancy Naigle and be on the lookout for a review of Deadly Cool and Thirteen Reasons Why. :) So glad to be back! :)

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