28 February 2012

Blog Tour {Guest Post w/Katherine Hawkings (Author of The Sphinx Project)}

Hey guys welcome to my stop on The Sphinx Project Blog Tour! I have for you today a guest post with author Katherine Hawkings about her writing process! Enjoy! :)

Most of the time I don't think about my writing process all that much. When it comes to writing I just sit down and, well, write... Sure, once or twice I've considered changing my approach to make myself 'more professional' but I quickly forget about that because my way works for me. Every writer has a different approach and a different style. Some are outliners, and some like to fly by the seat of their pants. Me? I like to just dive in and figure it out as I go.

That's not to say I've never tried outlining, I have. I once meticulously went through every single plot point and scene for a new story. I made a huge excel document describing every action, every character, every animal and every item. By the time I actually came to write the story, I was so sick of it I just couldn't do it.

Outlining may not have worked for me that time, but maybe in future I'll give it another go and the pieces will fall into place. As it is, it's not like I go into a story with no clue what I'm going to write about. Even if I don't have a proper outline I'll usually have at least a basic idea of the plot. I know where it'll start and finish, and generally a few points in between. Maybe I'll have a phrase I want to slip in somewhere, or a running theme through the entire story.

The most notable exception to my usual style of writing was actually The Sphinx Project. It started when I just sat down and started typing one day. The scene that emerged didn't actually make it to the finished story, you'll have to wait until book three to read it, but it did set the ball rolling. It seemed to work though... maybe I should give up any forethought and just start writing whatever pops into my mind from now on...

Thanks for the amazing guest post Katherine and for being here :) You can check out her and her book below

The Sphinx Project (The Chimaera Chronicles, #1)
Not many people can say their entire existence has been one big lab experiment: poked and prodded by scientists, genetically modified to be the best and endure the worst, subjected to daily tests and trials that would kill a normal human. All Michaela wants is her own life, to be able to go to school, flirt with boys, maybe eat ice cream now and then. So when the chance to escape finally comes, Michaela and her sister grab it, taking their friends with them. But they weren't the only ones to find their way out of those labs. 

Visit her website here

Next stop.....Ragged Left
19 February 2012

Review: Immortal Beloved by Cate Tiernan

Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved, #1)
Nastasya has spent the last century living as a spoiled, drugged-out party girl. She feels nothing and cares for no one. But when she witnesses her best friend, a Dark Immortal, torture a human, she realizes something's got to change. She seeks refuge at a rehab for wayward immortals, where she meets the gorgeous, undeniably sexy Reyn, who seems inexplicably linked to her past.Nastasya finally begins to deal with life, and even feels safe--until the night she learns that someone wants her dead. Cate Tiernan, author of the popular Sweep series, returns with an engaging story of a timeless struggle and inescapable romance, the first book in a stunning new fantasy trilogy.

I have found my new weakness....Paranormal romances/adventures. I loved this book! Though it wasn't much action or adventure it is an interesting book about finding yourself and making new friends along the way...of course with a paranormal twist :). I love the main character! I love her grittyness and attitude...it really spices up the novel. I also love the underlying romances going on in this book. Though this may not be a book centered around action there are some really good interesting high points! I say give this book a shot because I found it to be really good! :) I'm actually in the middle of the second one now and so far it's great!

Check out Cate Tiernan here

Buy here book: Amazon | BN

14 February 2012

Blog Tour: The Firelight of Maalda (review and giveaway)

Hey guys!!! Today is my stop for The Firelight of Maalda book tour hosted by Virtual Author Book Tours. I have for you a review and giveaway!! Ok let's get started!...

Chalice and her group leave Barenthren to travel to Portalis.  There she and her friends discover the beautiful city, its people, its history, and its secret that has been kept hidden for thousands of years.  During their stay, they learn that Dar’Maalda has the firestone and that he plans to use it.What is the firestone and what does Dar’Maalda plan to do with it?  What are the Naezzi?  What does the title, The Firelight of Maalda, really mean?  And … what is the secret of Portalis, the secret that has been guarded so jealously for so long – so jealously, that many have given their lives to protect it?In The Firelight of Maalda, the second novel of the trilogy, The Legend of the Raie’Chaelia, you find out.  It is a tale of intrigue and wonder where two opposite worlds collide in an explosive journey that leads Chalice and her friends to the dark islands lurking just beyond the horizon of Ielieria, where the Firelight of Maalda sits … and waits.

As you know I was apart of the tour for the first book, The Raie'Chaelia by Melissa Douthit , and I absolutely loved it! Well...this book is just as great! :) I loved getting reacquainted with the characters first of all. The relationship between Chalice and Jeremiah is one of my favorite book relationships...man they are just too cute! Also with the sequel comes much more adventure along with many challenges along the way. The book picks up where the first book left off and is just a joy ride from there :). I am definitely loving this series and I am hoping that you will give it a try and if you haven't already you should read the first book, The Raie'Chaelia which I reviewed here. Melissa Douthit is a really great writer and I can't wait for more!!! Another 5 star review!

Arite now for the giveaway!!! I will be giving away an ebook copy of The Firelight of Maalda to one lucky winner.  All you have to do is be a follower and leave your email address in the comments below! Good luck! :)

For more info on the author click here.
To buy the book: Amazon | BN

And the next stop is.....This Miss Loves To Read

08 February 2012

400 Follower Giveaway!!!!

Hey guys!!! I have reached 400 followers and I just want to thank all my followers and book blogger buds who support me. To show my appreciation I have planned for you a huge giveaway! I have two separate giveaways for US people and International people.


  • ·         Some also print books (titles pending…..will update soon)
  • ·         Two custom necklaces made by moi: one based on The Hunger Games to celebrate it’s upcoming release and one based on your book blog. They will look something like….except with a different design
You will be able to choice between three different designs for your Hunger Games Necklace:
And here’s an example of a what I meant by a design based on your book blog. This can include your blog name and avatar if you have one.
(this was based off of my last design)
  • ·         And last but not least you will win a free custom blog design from Blogovation Design

a Rafflecopter giveaway

International Giveaway
  • Ebooks:
Crossroads by Mary Ting
Between by Mary Ting
Destined by Jessie Harrell
Windchaser by Krissi Dallas
Windfall by Krissi Dallas

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(thinking of more prize ideas for my International book lovers :) )

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