19 June 2015

Follow Friday!

TGIF!! Happy Friday! I hope you guys are all having a great one! :) Today is Follow Friday which is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and this week's feature is The Readdicts.
Now question time....

If you were to get a tattoo, what would the graphic be? Or if you have a tattoo, share a pic and its meaning.

Well first off, I would probably never get a tattoo because I'm super scared of needles and the fact that it's permanent lol :) However, if I had to choose I'm not really sure. It would probably be pretty small and probably in an unseen place...maybe a small heart. What about you guys?

09 June 2015

Review: Pretty Little Werewolf by Katie Salidas

 Hi! Today I have for you guys a review of Pretty Little Werewolf by Katie Salidas, which just came out today. Keep reading to see my thoughts on the book and to enter to win an ebook copy of the book! :)


All Giselle ever wanted was a family... who can accept her for what she is, a werewolf.

In a world where supernatural creatures are not out and proud, this has been a problem for 16 year old Giselle. A child of the system, she's been bounced from home to home for as long as she can remember. As soon as the moon calls out her inner wolf, it's back into the system she goes.

Against the odds, a new family is found for Giselle. One that may prove the answer to all her dreams and wishes. But this family comes with a deadly secret that could send Giselle six feet under instead of back into the system.

Amid factions of warring witches and werewolves, and deadly curses with no hope for a cure, the way will not be an easy one, but if Giselle can call upon her skills as a lone wolf, she may just be able to unearth the truth keeping her from the one thing she's ever wanted... family.

30 May 2015

Blog Tour: The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler (Playlist)

The Summer of Chasing Mermaids
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Release Date: June 2nd 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Retellings, Chick Lit


The youngest of six talented sisters, Elyse d’Abreau was destined for stardom—until a boating accident took everything from her. Now, the most beautiful singer in Tobago can’t sing. She can’t even speak.

Seeking quiet solitude, Elyse accepts a friend’s invitation to Atargatis Cove. Named for the mythical first mermaid, the Oregon seaside town is everything Elyse’s home in the Caribbean isn’t: An ocean too cold for swimming, parties too tame for singing, and people too polite to pry—except for one.

Christian Kane is a notorious playboy—insolent, arrogant, and completely charming. He’s also the only person in Atargatis Cove who doesn’t treat Elyse like a glass statue. He challenges her to express herself, and he admires the way she treats his younger brother Sebastian, who believes Elyse is the legendary mermaid come to life. 

When Christian needs a first mate for the Cove’s high-stakes Pirate Regatta, Elyse reluctantly stows her fear of the sea and climbs aboard. The ocean isn’t the only thing making waves, though—swept up in Christian’s seductive tide and entranced by the Cove’s charms, Elyse begins to wonder if a life of solitude isn’t what she needs. But changing course again means facing her past. It means finding her inner voice. And scariest of all, it means opening her heart to a boy who’s best known for breaking them . . .

I think this is the perfect playlist for this book. Enjoy :)

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Follow the The Summer of Chasing Mermaids Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Sarah Ockler is the bestselling author of young adult novels, including #scandal, The Book of Broken Hearts, Bittersweet, Fixing Delilah, and the critically acclaimed Twenty Boy Summer, a YALSA Teens' Top Ten nominee and IndieNext List pick. Her latest, The Summer of Chasing Mermaids, hits the shelves in June 2015. 

Sarah is a champion cupcake eater, coffee drinker, night person, and bookworm. When she's not writing or reading at home in Washington, she enjoys taking pictures, hugging trees, and road-tripping through the country with her husband, Alex.

Visit her website at sarahockler.com or find her on Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook.

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29 May 2015

Armchair BEA Day 3: Character Chatter & Blogging Q&A

Armchair BEA

Hi! Today marks the 3rd day of Armchair BEA where we talk about our favorite couples and blogging in general :)

It's time to give your favorite characters some love! Characters are essential to a story, and they can make or break a book for some readers. Now's your chance to shine the spotlight on your favorite characters, or maybe your least favorite. Who's your favorite couple? What are the components of a well written character? What are you favorite or least favorite cliches associated with characters? 

This is a really hard question....I have to many favorite characters to even know where to begin lol...I'm going to go old school and say Nancy Drew because without her I don't think I would have found my love of reading. :) My favorite couple I would say would be Edward and Bella from Twilight and more recently I would say Penelope and Char from Hold Me Like A Breath by Tiffany Schmidt.

Blogging 101. All kinds of tips and tricks to get you started or keep you going. Talk about ARCs, reviewing in general, web design, etc. What blogging platform do you use? How do you network? What are some of your favorite web designs? Or maybe you want to talk about your own blogging journey, and how you got to where you are now. Either way, we want you to share your knowledge with the rest of the community!

ARCs...when I first started out I would email tons of authors and publishers every day trying to just put myself out there. If they would provide an ARC that would be awesome and if not no big deal I would just see if I could get an interview or guest post instead. So in regards to ARCs I would just say don't give up. My reviews here are usually short and sweet and to the point. So if your reviews aren't super long thats ok just as long as you get your point across about how you liked the book. I love web design! If it weren't for book blogging I would not have found my love of web and graphic design....I even went so far as to major in it now that I'm in college :) I love changing up my designs and in fact the design I am using now I just designed a few days ago. I am currently working on networking through mediums such as twitter because I am not a big social network user but I'll get there :). It's definitely been a long journey in book blogging. For two years I consistently posted every day or every other day but as soon as I started college it got really hard to balance college, life, and blogging/reading to where my blogging really just kinda stopped and I didn't read as much. Now, I'm trying to find that balance because I really love blogging and the book blogging community itself and I love being able to share my love of reading with other book lovers.
28 May 2015

Armchair BEA Day 2: Visual Expressions & Social Media

Armchair BEA

Hey guys! Today is day 2 of one of my favorite events but today is actually my first day since I missed Day 1. So todays topic is about Visual Expressions and Social Media.
21 May 2015

Blog Tour: Hold Me Like A Breath by Tiffany Schmidt (Review)

Hey guys! Today I have a review of Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt as apart of the blog tour hosted by Fantastic Flying Book Club. Hope you like it and stay tuned for the giveaway! :)

16 February 2015

Kiss and Tell Blog Tour: Review

You guys all know how I absolutely love the Truth or Dare series by Jacqueline Green! So today I will be bringing to you a review of the last book in the series called Kiss and Tell for the blog tour hosted by Paper Lantern Lit. I must say that it was a great ending to a great series!

05 January 2015

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon: I'm Participating!

 Bout of Books 12
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 5th and runs through Sunday, January 11th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 12 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

31 Days to Better Blogging (Day 5): Friendly Feedback

31 Days to Better Blogging: Friendly Feedback

31 Days of Better Blogging is a challenge started by Parajunkee to help make our blogs better. So today is all about feedback...good or bad. I would love to get some feedback from you guys about my blog to see what you do and don't like about it so that I may improve it for the better. :)

02 January 2015

TBR Thursday (2)

Hey guys! Happy Thursday!! So today I thought I would participate in a new meme created by Words with Sarah called TBR Thursday. I think this is a great way to reduce our ever growing TBR piles.  So, what you do is you pick a book that's been in sitting in your TBR pile for a good while that you plan on reading/reviewing this week. However, I not only plan to pick a book in this post but also review a TBR book. So every Thursday I will have a review of a book that's been in my TBR pile for a while and also tell you which TBR book I will read the following week :) Today I will be reviewing out of my TBR pile Lost Girls by Ann Kelley...I will reveal what book I will review next Thursday at the end of my post.

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