31 December 2011
A Good Way To Reign In 2011
5:46 PM | Posted by
Here are some premade templates I have made for you guys!!
The first one I like to call Me, Myself, and Books
Custom Header
Custom Grab Button
Custom Contact Buttons
Rating System
The second one is called Owl Reads and also my favorite :)
Custom Header
Custom Contact Buttons
Custom Grab Button
Post Footers
Custom Rating System
If you are interested in purchasing one of these click here
Blogovation Design,
Premade Templates
30 December 2011
Follow Friday!!!!
11:39 AM | Posted by
Q: The New Year is here — and everyone wants to know your New Years Blogging Resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp and redo for 2012 on your blog?
Q: The New Year is here — and everyone wants to know your New Years Blogging Resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp and redo for 2012 on your blog?
My New Years Blogging Resolution is to participate in more blog hops and memes. Also to revive and revamp my own weekly meme Literary Spotlight. What about you?
Follow Friday
Review: WinterTown by Stephen Emond
8:56 AM | Posted by
Hey guys :) Today I am reviewing a book called WinterTown by Stephen Emond that mixes pictures and words to make an awesome story. I hope you love it as much as I did.
Every winter, straight-laced, Ivy League bound Evan looks forward to a visit from Lucy, a childhood pal who moved away after her parent's divorce. But when Lucy arrives this year, she's changed. The former "girl next door" now has chopped dyed black hair, a nose stud, and a scowl. But Evan knows that somewhere beneath the Goth, "Old Lucy" still exists, and he's determined to find her... even if it means pissing her off.This book was AMAZING!!!! This book combines two things every bookworm loves.....pictures and an awesome plot. It took me all of one day to read the book. I think the pictures really help bring out the vision that forms in your head whenever you read. They just add an awesome touch to the story line. The storyline is great also. It reminds me of a movie........I can't think of the name *tell me in the comments if you know what I'm talking about*. Anyway....I love the sort of low key romance between Evan and Lucy. It's not to heavy and it's not to light.....just right :). There are alot of surprising things that happen in this book that you will have to read to find out. So hop by your local book store and buy this book!!! You will love it :).
My Rating:
For info on Stephen Emond click here
Stephen Emond,
18 December 2011
I have launched another review site.....but for music :)
2:30 PM | Posted by
I love music just as much as a love books so I decided to make a music review blog also called Busted Speakers :) The site is for music reviews, introduction to new music and artists, and also to promote forthcoming artists trying to get themselves out into the blogosphere. So be sure to check us out and you can expect a review of Wintertown here on Books Ahoy later on today and a review of Adele's album 21 today or tomorrow on Busted Speakers. So check us out! :)
Busted Speakers
27 November 2011
Christmas Sale!!!!!!!
3:52 PM | Posted by
For a limited time only Blogovation Design is selling full custom blog designs for not $60 but $40!!! This won't last long so order now!!!! :) Merry Christmas!!!
Blogovation Design
25 November 2011
Follow Friday!!!!
4:23 PM | Posted by
Hey!!! Welcome to Follow Friday!!! Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. All you have to do is answer the weekly question and link up your post here and follow the two featured bloggers who are The Book Addict and Books & Beyond this week.
Q: It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. so we want to know what you are Thankful for – blogging related of course! Who has helped you out along the way? What books are you thankful for reading?
I am def thankful for my fellow blogger here at Books Ahoy. Alot of fellow book bloggers helped me out and gave me some pointers when I first started. I'm thankful that I got to meet and get to know a lot of wonderful authors. Some books I am thankful for reading are Clockwork Prince, Divergent, Across the Universe, and alot more!!! What about you....what are you thankful for?
Follow Friday
Review: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
3:51 PM | Posted by
Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker—his classmate and crush—who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he’ll find out how he made the list.
This is a really good heartfelt sad story. This book is really emotional. The book is filled with different stories from Hannah Baker's life that lead up to her suicide. The stories are all heartbreaking. We get to see Clay's reaction to her suicide and the stories as he walks through the town listening to the tapes. We also get to see how it affects the people who are on the tapes throughout the book. The end was alittle confusing to me but overall, this was a really great book! The moral of the story is becareful what you say and do to people because you never know how they might be taking it.
For more information on Jay Asher click here
Jay Asher,
Thirteen Reasons Why
02 November 2011
WoW: Waiting on Wednesday
5:24 PM | Posted by
Hi! I've started doing WoW which is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. All you have to do is tell us what book you are looking forward to come out and tell us alittle bit about it! :)
My choice was Deadly Little Voices which is part of the Touch series by Laurie Stolarz. Here's what it's about:
My choice was Deadly Little Voices which is part of the Touch series by Laurie Stolarz. Here's what it's about:
High school junior Camelia thought her powers of psychometry only gave her the ability to sense the future through touch. But now she’s started to hear voices. Mean voices. Berating her, telling her how ugly she is, and that she’d be better off dead. It’s a troubling development that has Camelia terrified for her mental stability, especially since her deranged aunt with a suicidal history has just moved into the family house. More torturing, ex-boyfriend Ben, who has similar psychometric abilities, has been spending more time with their classmate Alejandra.
With the line between right and wrong fraying, Camelia turns to pottery to get a grasp on her emotions. She begins sculpting a beautiful figure skater, only to receive frightening premonitions that someone’s in danger. But who is the victim? And how can Camelia help them when she is on the brink of losing her own sanity?
Waiting on Wednesday
IMM (2)
5:07 PM | Posted by
Hey you guys! I know i've been gone for awhile I've just been swamped with school stuff :/ But! I am going to try my best to post once a day because I've read a ton of books since i've been gone so I have a ton of reviews to write for you guys, just to name a few: Divergent, Across the Universe, Thirteen Reasons Why, Juliet Immortal, etc......! I can't wait to tell you what I thought of the books :). I am trying to get it setup on my phone to where I can post from my phone because that would be awesome! Alright so today I have for you an IMM....which i'm going to do more often from now on :). So here's what I got this week:
What I got (top - bottom):
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi (from publisher)
(ARC) Incarnate by Jodi Meadows (from publisher)
(ARC) Havoc by Jeff Sampson (from publisher)
(ARC) Everneath by Brodi Ashton (from publisher)
(ARC) Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare (from publisher)
Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (from publisher)
Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (from winning a contest)
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (from winning a contest)
So that's what I've gotten this past week! What's in your mailbox?
in my mailbox
18 October 2011
The Pulse Experience Tour Stop: Giveaway
4:48 PM | Posted by
Hey!!! Today I have for you a giveaway of The Dark Age by Jeff Horton!!! His book is currently on tour with The Experience Tours!! Here's a synopsis:
Suppose you learned that an ancient prophecy about an artifact, said to be powerful enough to dramatically change the world, was true. Would you risk everything to find it?
It has been five-hundred years since the Pulse caused the Great Collapse, ending the Golden Age, and civilization on planet Earth. Humanity has waited ever since for a long-anticipated sign from God, which has finally appeared in the night sky. The time has come for Ferrell Young, the Warrior Clan, and the Church to risk everything in an effort to restore civilization, and bring hope to a world full of despair. Alex Montgomery is an archaeologist who has spent many years looking for a mysterious book on behalf of the Holy Christian Church. The book is said to contain the location of the Great Oracle which, according to legend, can endow the one who finds it with great power and wealth. Of much greater importance to the Clan and the Church however, is the fact that it may also enable the world to emerge from five centuries of darkness and suffering. When a powerful, intelligent, but sadistic barbarian leader named Kraken learns of the Oracle, he plans to destroy the Warrior Clan and the Church, take the Oracle for himself, and enslave the rest of humanity. Join Ferrell and his companions as they set out on a desperate journey to find the Great Oracle, and rescue humanity from The Dark Age.
The giveaway will last to October 22! To enter just leave your email in the comments below! :) Good luck!
Here's the rest of the schedule:
Oct. 19: Giveaway, Author Interview, & Guest Post @ BookSpark
Oct. 20: Guest Post @ I'm A Book Shark
Oct. 21: Guest Post @ The Character Connection
Oct. 22: Giveaway @ Reviews By Molly
03 October 2011
Spook-a-Rama Day 3: Announcement of Surprise Giveaway!!!
5:15 PM | Posted by
Hey guys!!! So you know how I've been telling you guys about a surprise giveaway and all? Well the time has come for that surprise to be revealed. I am sponsering a free custom blog design giveaway from me aka. Blogovation Design!!!!! So....if you always wanted to get a custom design but didn't want to pay the money here's your chance! :) So if you want to enter stop by Fuzzy.Coffee.Books. Keep in mind that I currently only do Blogger blogs....sorry Wordpress users. So what are you waiting for?! Click the Halloween themed logo below to enter! :) Good luck!
01 October 2011
2011 Spook-a-Rama!!
11:11 AM | Posted by
So this year I am going to host a HUGE Halloween event!!! There will be interviews, giveaways, guest posts, tons of paranormal and scary reviews, and a SURPRISE giveaway!!! I will post the schedule up soon :) The first day of the Spook-A-Rama will start with a review of Nightmare at Camp Forrestwood by Kelli Sue Landon! Stay tuned!!
20 September 2011
ARC Review: Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
11:55 AM | Posted by
Hey I have another review for you guys today!!!!! Today I will tell you about a great book called Deadly Cool, which is actually going to be a series. This book comes out October 11, 2011! Here's the synopsis:
First I find out that my boyfriend is cheating on me. Then he’s pegged as the #1 suspect in a murder. And now he’s depending on me to clear his name. Seriously? As much as I wouldn’t mind watching him squirm, I know that he’s innocent. So I’m brushing off my previously untapped detective skills and getting down to business. But I keep tripping over dead bodies and I’m still no closer to figuring out who did it. And what’s worse: all signs seem to point to me as the killer’s next victim. I really need to pick a better boyfriend next time.
This was a great mystery book!! I am a huge fan of mystery books and this certaintly does mystery books justice. First of all the mystery itself was really good. I had no idea who the killer was and it's certaintly a surprise when you find out. Every chapter keeps you wanting more and more to find out whodunit. I also love the relationships between all the characters and I think it kept the book feeling like a teenage book. The plot, charcters, and overall book was great! I can't wait to read more from Gemma Halliday. I also absolutely LOVE the cover!!!! :) PS: Be on the lookout for the second book Social Suicide!
For more information on Gemma Halliday click here
For information on the second book click here
ARC Review,
Deadly Cool,
Gemma Halliday,
19 September 2011
An updated look! :)
10:04 PM | Posted by
Hey guys!!!! I just totally renovated my Blogovation Design blog site and I would love to hear your feedback! :) Blogovation Design gave itself a renovation....lol :) . What do you think?
And this is for a surprise event ;)
Those are some of the major changes. If you want to see it up close and personal then just visit my blog design at http://www.blogovationdesign.blogspot.com/
Blogovation Design,
new look,
15 September 2011
The Crossroads Experience (Giveaway)
10:32 PM | Posted by
Hey guys!!! The Crossroads Experience has started and I am the first stop! As you know I have done many things with Mary Ting such as a interview and a review. So, I decided to do a giveaway of the book since that was the only thing I hadn't done and I want to share an AMAZING book with you guys!!! The giveaway will be going on for the duration of the tour which is from Sept.15 - Sept. 28 and it's International. So you have two weeks to enter to win a great book! All you have to do is leave your blog name, email, and preferred ebook format in the comments below and you'll be entered! Good luck!
Mary Ting is also hosting a giveaway for the whole duration of the tour. The prizes include a signed copy of Crossroads, a heart necklace, and a bracelt. To enter to win click here.
The winner will be announced on her blog here.
Mary Ting is also hosting a giveaway for the whole duration of the tour. The prizes include a signed copy of Crossroads, a heart necklace, and a bracelt. To enter to win click here.
The winner will be announced on her blog here.
PS: If you want to follow along with the rest of the tour here is the schedule:
Sept.15 : Books Ahoy (Giveaway) http://www.books-ahoy.blogspot.com/
Sept.16 : Keeping Up with the Rheinlander's (Guest Post) http://mnmrheinlander.blogspot.com/
Sept.17 : StephLikesBooks (Review & Author Interview) http://stephlikesbooks.blogspot.com/
Sept.18 : Books Like Breathing (Review & Guest Post) http://bookslikebreathing.blogspot.com/
Sept.19 : Jen @ A Books and A Latte (Giveaway & Guest Post) http://bookandlatte.blogspot.com/
Sept.20 : Le'Grande Codex (Review, Author Interview, & Giveaway) http://le-grande-codex.blogspot.com/
Sept.21 : Cup of Tea Reviews (Review & Guest Post) http://cupofteareviews.blogspot.com/
Sept.22 : From the Bookshelf of T.B. (Review, Author Interview, & Giveaway) http://www.ftbotbblog.blogspot.com/
Sept.23 : SeeitORreadit (Character Interview & Giveaway) http://seeitorreadit.blogspot.com/
Sept.24 : After the Book (Author Interview & Giveaway) http://afterthebook.blogspot.com/
Sept.25: A Casual Reader's Blog (Review & Guest Post) http://www.ellsey.blogspot.com/
Sept.26: Mom Reads My Books! (Review & Giveaway) http://www.momreadsmybooks.blogspot.com/
Sept.27: YA Books: Beyond the Cover (Guest Post) http://yabooksbeyondthecover.blogspot.com/
Sept.28: The Magic Attic (Review, Character Interview, & Giveaway) http://www.theawesomemagicattic.blogspot.com/
12 September 2011
Review: inkBlot by Johnson Naigle
9:00 PM | Posted by
Here's my review of inkBlot by Johnson Naigle! Just to let you know....it as AWESOME! :) Here's the synopsis:
Eighteen-year-old web entrepreneur Ronnie Wright owns the virally popular website, inkBLOT. Determined to sweep local newspaper reporter, Chelsea Pressman, off her feet, he tries to wow her with his internet success. Chelsea has one goal, making it big as a reporter. Unfortunately the editor isn’t tossing any good stories her way. But her luck changes and she is first in l...moreEighteen-year-old web entrepreneur Ronnie Wright owns the virally popular website, inkBLOT. Determined to sweep local newspaper reporter, Chelsea Pressman, off her feet, he tries to wow her with his internet success. Chelsea has one goal, making it big as a reporter. Unfortunately the editor isn’t tossing any good stories her way. But her luck changes and she is first in line to cover a string of bizarre crimes. The notoriety she’s gaining from the front-page stories is addictive. The police finally trace the crimes to a common link – inkBLOT. Now, Ronnie has to clear his name as the number one suspect in Chelsea’s headline crimes.
Well, I love mystery and suspense books so this is def one of my favorite books! I have never read a mystery book quite like this one.....it's very unique and I love it! I mean this book is so devious and sneaky ;). So to start off I want to say that I love the sprinkle of romance between Ronnie and Chelsea, it really did a good job of diverting the reader away from having any sort of suspicions. I also loved the hinted the underlying relationship with Ronnie and his BFF :). That turned out to be really cute. But, back to the mystery, I had no clue who to suspect while reading this book until of course the end. This is a very well written suspense/mystery novel with tons of twists of turns. I also loved how they made detail matter. You'll come towards the end of the book when everything is wrapping up and you'll be like, "Oh yeahhhh, it all makes sense now :)". This is def one of my mystery books so far! :)
For everything you could possible need to know about inkBlot click here.
I'm Backkk! :)
8:04 PM | Posted by
Hey guys!!!! It's nice to.....write you again :). I know i've been gone for awhile. Everythings been really hectic with school and everything so i was readjusting but I'm back from my leave of absence with tons of announcements! First, I've finished 3 books since I've been gone: inkBlot by Johnson Naigle, Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday, and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I've gotten Shut Out by Kody Kepler in the mail. I've booked three tours for The Experience Tours. And.....I've started reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. So I've been super super busy! Oh and I almost forgot! I also reached 300 followers in my leave of absence which is AMAZING!!! Def be on the lookout for a giveaway ;)...I wonder what I'm going to giveaway??? So yeah that's what I've been up so and now I am about to go write a review for inkBlot by Nancy Naigle and be on the lookout for a review of Deadly Cool and Thirteen Reasons Why. :) So glad to be back! :)
31 August 2011
Guardian of Souls Tour Stop (Review & Giveaway!)
9:26 PM | Posted by
Hey guys! I am the last stop in the Guardian of Souls book tour and today I have for you a review plus a giveaway! So stay tuned :). Here's the synopsis:
Liv, Laith, Brayan and Meena are back with a mission and a militia for justice. The four human Oracles join forces with their spirit counter parts in Arcadia to form The Guardians of Souls. Shy has fled to Los Angeles to escape the consequences of Melissa and Jesse’s deaths and Hala, the Great Spirit, has reason to believe he is not alone. Neither the Spirits in Arcadia or the NYPD in New York City has turned up any trace of Shy since his disappearance after the tragic events played out on Valentine’s Day. Liv and her companions of spirit find themselves torn between the human world and Arcadia once more. Their duty as human Oracles continuously interferes and threatens the stability and safety of their friendships and romantic lives.Get ready for all hell to break loose as Liv and her friends set out on a quest to hunt down Shy and finish him for good. This time the Spirit World means business when they find Shy playing up to his usual tricks. The odds are against Shy this time around but this may not pan out to be such a lucky break for the human Oracles. Could it be that Shy isn’t their worst enemy after all? Is Earth once again safe from the perils of Daevas and Aengels? Are Liv’s human friends safe or will they be baited and harmed again? Only the Spirits know…
This book was just as amazing as the first one, Soul Quest!!!! This sequel to the first book in the trilogy picks up right where Soul Quest left off. This time they are faced with even tougher challenges and you'll just have to read it to see if they prevail :). I love all of the characters in this book! I really love the relationship between Liv and Jed, it's just sooo super cute, even though they've had a few rough patches. Another thing I loved was the strong bond between Liv and the other Oracles. They are just so close and you can literally feel the emotion passed between them, it's just so well written! I love the romance, but I also loved all of the adventure and action in this book! I don't want to spoil anything so you just have to experience the awesomeness yourself! :). So, go pick this up and give it a read. The links will be down there as usual.
Ok...now for the giveaway which lasts for just one day so act fast! Amy Jones has decided to let you grab a copy of the book for free for just one day. Here's how:
1 - copy the code (XT55A).
2 - Follow the link to Smashwords (https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/75902).
3 - Purchase the book and paste in the code at check out.
After Sept. 1, the code will not work so act fast!
For more information on the author click here
Amy Jones,
Guardian of Souls,
20 August 2011
Exciting Announcements!!!
1:17 PM | Posted by

Hey guys!!!! Ok, so I have some very exciting news for you guys today! First off, do you remember when I was in that ereader dilema and then I decided that I was going to get the Nook Simple Touch Reader? Well.....I finally got it!!!!!! :) I'm so excited! I've started reading on it and it's amazing! It's actually what I read Severance on :). So, if you have any ebooks that you want me to review I can now review them. I've gone crazy on NetGalley since I've gotten it! So far I have Eve by Anna Carey, The Final Hour by Andrew Klavan, The Juliet Spell by Douglas Rees, The Sleepwalkers by J. Gabriel Gates, Tris and Izzie by Mette Ivie Harrison, and Variant by Robison Wells. So, if you're thinking about getting the Nook Simple Touch Reader then stop thinking and go out and buy it right now! :). It reads PDFs pretty awesome so if you have alot of books in PDFs because you don't have an ereader you will easily be able to read it on your Nook Simple Touch Reader or I used a free conversion software to convert all my PDFs to epub called Calibre. This site is awesome because you can basically convert any ereader format to any ereader format, ex: Mobi to Epub, Epub to Mobi, Pdf to Mobi, and any other ereader format such as Sony Ereader's format. So you should definitely download that. Any way I just wanted to let you guys know! :D.
Alrite! Next announcement.......I just finished my latest blog design for Kristin Can Read. So you guys should go check it out and show her some follow love while you're there. I also wanted to let you guys know that we currently have two premade templates available for sell for $20. So you guys can check that out by clicking the button below:
17 August 2011
Review: Severance by Shawn Kirsten Maravel
9:16 PM | Posted by
Hey guys! Today, I have a review of Severance by Shawn Kirsten Maravel. So, here's the synopsis:
Severance is the bone-chilling, adrenaline-filled sequel to Volition. Charlotte finds herself hoping against reason that her life couldn't really have taken the devastating turn that it has. With Joel still dangerously out of the picture, and no signs that he may ever come back, she finds herself up against an even more dangerous threat. A sexy and cunning threat that is bound to tear what she has always known to be her reality down for good. When things finally start to look up, another curve-ball is thrown her way, promising to give her what she'd hoped for since meeting Joel, an answer it seems that came a little too late. What Charlotte thought she'd once known to be the truth filters through her fingers, leaving her to believe that her world and the afterworld are much more tangled than she'd originally expected. She comes to find that love and lust are no longer the sole deciders of her fate, but revenge. A lifetime of secrets unfold and Charlotte discovers that Joel hasn't been the only one watching over her all of these years.
This book was just as great as the first book, Volition, jam packed full with action, suspense, and romance. The beginning really had me teetering on edge because I had no idea what would happen. There were so many surprises in this book it definitely keeps you on your toes and wanting more. The romance is still very very romantic. Tension definitely builds up more in this second book and makes the books all the more great! This is definitely a must read and you go buy it right now. 5 stars!!!!
For more info on the author click here
Shawn Kirsten Maravel
16 August 2011
Review: Volition by Shawn Kirsten Maravel
4:23 PM | Posted by
Hey guys! I this book is super AWESOME! If you liked Crossroads by Mary Ting then you'll love this book also! :D Here's the synopsis:
Charlotte Rush would be the first to admit that her life is no rollercoaster ride. Her days are laced with ordinary and at times boring monotony. But with a heart that finds itself frequently broken she’s happy to say that she’s content. When her friends convince her to spend the night out at a club to let loose and maybe even find a guy, she finally admits that her life might be missing something. No sooner does she let go of her inhibitions does she find herself waking up in a dark hotel room in the presence of Joel, a man who carries mystery in his eyes and familiarity in his smile. Against reason Charlotte decides to trust him based solely on one thing. Somehow, she is sure that she knows him. In a race against time to find answers and to solve the crime committed against her Charlotte finds herself falling for him. However, with nothing but mystery surrounding him she can’t even be sure that he’s the hero at all. While knowing all of the right things to say he still manages to tell her nothing. As a battle is waged over the innocence of her cryptic stranger, Charlotte discovers that much greater danger awaits her. And the mysteries behind who and what Joel is will lead Charlotte to discover that heaven and earth are not so far apart.
First off, I just wanted to say that this book is AWESOME!!!! I love every part of it. The romance, the action, and def the unexpected surprises. This books picks up right at the start. I love the relationship between Charlotte and Joel, it's so cute. Joel has to be the BEST boyfriend EVER! :D He's always so sweet and considerate. For some reason I just love forbidden romances because it just makes the books all the more romantic and interesting. All thoughout this book are twists and turns and ups and downs that keep you always wanting more. This book def has some surprising events happen. My favorite part has to be the very end, like the last two pages, because it was so surprising and it totally caught me off guard and made me want to read the second book to find out more and what happens. All I can say is, go buy this book right now!!! :D 5 stars for sure! Be sure to check back in for my review of Severance, the second book, since I just started my One Book A Day Challenge yesterday :).
For more info on the author click here
Shawn Kirsten Maravel,
The Raie'Chaelia Book Tour Stop (Giveaway)
2:51 PM | Posted by
Hey you guys! Today is my second stop for The Raie'Chaelia Books Tour hosted by Virtual Author Book Tours and I will be giving away an PDF of The Raie'Chaelia by Melissa Douthit. So, just fill out the form here today and I will announce the winner tomorrow!!! :D Good luck!
15 August 2011
The Raie'Chaelia Tour Stop (Review)
3:24 PM | Posted by
Hey guys! Welcome to my stop on The Raie'Chaelia book tour hosted by Virtual Author Book Tours. The book that is on tour is The Raie'Chaelia by Mellissa Douthit. So, let's get on to my review!
Format: PDF
Publication Date: May 27, 2011
When Chalice sets off for Branbury in the middle of the night with her grandfather's instructions, she has no idea of the dangers that await her. The King's men have destroyed her home village of Canton and she is suddenly thrown into a Terravailian world that she does not know. Lost and alone, she is hard pressed to evade the iron grasp of the madman who rules the land. With the help of a friendly Chinuk, an old man, and a book that she discovers along the way, not only does she find true friends and true love, but she also finds her true self and what it means to be the Raie'Chaelia.
I really like this book! If you love adventure books and romance books this is the story for you!!! First off, the romance between Jeremiah and Chalice is super cute! They are really such a good couple. I like how after all the time that hadn't seen each other they still had feelings for each other. I also loved Buney! He's so cute, he reminds me of a little stuffed animal. As for the adventure, this book is full of it! There are many twists and turns throughout the book that always keeps you wanting more. This is an adventure that will definitely keep you reading with alittle romance thrown into the mix also. I can seriously see this as a movie and I hope there's a sequel.
Be sure to visit me tomorrow because I will be giving away a copy of this book for The Raie'Chaelia Tour!!
You also have a chance to win a free e-reader or a $100 gift certificate. Here are the dets!:
Contest - Free e-reader or $100 gift certificate
Enter a drawing and win a free e-reader of your choice or a $100 gift certificate to your favorite store by answering the following question:
What is the main reason Melissa chose to go indie? To find the answer, click on Guest Post with Melissa Douthit, author of The Raie' Chaelia.
To answer the question go to this link and fill in the information (place answer in Message field):
Contest ends September 10, 2011. Winner will be announced September 12th on Melissa Douthit's Blog.
For more info on the author click here
Melissa Douthit,
The Raie'Chaelia
11 August 2011
Review: Crossroads by Mary Ting
9:50 PM | Posted by
Hey guys! Today I have for you a review of Crossroads by Mary Ting! This was a great book and I can't wait to tell you all about it :D Here's the synopsis:
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: July 27, 2011
Claudia Emerson has a good friend who shares the same first name and last name. That friend unfortunately dies in a tragic accident during homecoming dance. Claudia is distraught at the loss of her friend, but is even more disturbed by her dreams, which seem to take her to another place called Crossroads. Unknown to her, Crossroads is like a second heaven, a place between heaven and earth. It is where the souls of humans in comas or near death experiences may wander. Where, Claudia meets Michael, a nephilim, a half angel, half human, whom she often meets in her dreams. It turns out that this isn’t her first visit to Crossroads, which is an enigma for no human can ever travel there until Claudia. Now the fallen and demons are after her, suspecting she must be special and it is up to Michael and the other nephilims to protect her. Her dream becomes a nightmare as more secrets are revealed, about who she really is, and the true identities of the people she loves most. Can Michael fight his growing feelings for Claudia and protect her as a guardian angel should? The answer awaits you! Follow the exciting path to Crossroads!
Crossroads is a book about star-crossed lovers and is filled with romance and action. This book reminds me alot of the Twilight series except instead of vampires it angels :). This is a great read! I love the romance between Michael and Claudia. I love how he always want to be with her and protect her...so sweet. The scences with Michael and Claudia make me feel all tingly inside! :D. I also all the action scences and how this new surprise pops up every few chapters that you won't have expected at all. So, this book will definitely keep you wanting more even after the books ends. I also love the closeness of Claudia and her mom. I think it's really really sweet. The beginning is pretty sad but it definitely picks up and changes towards the middle. All in all, you should definitely read it and be on the lookout for book 2!! :D
For more info click here
Mary Ting,
10 August 2011
Gripped into Books: 1000 Followers Giveaway!!!
10:43 AM | Posted by
Gripped into Books: 1000 Followers Giveaway!!!: "Hey guys!
I'll just get straight to the point! There's more than 1000 followers on my blog! YAY! I would have never have thought tha..."
09 August 2011
Ashley Suzanne: New Blog Design from Blogovation!
3:47 PM | Posted by
Check out Blogovation Design's first Review!!!
Ashley Suzanne: New Blog Design from Blogovation!: "What do you all think of my new design? I was graciously offered the chance to review the design process courtesy of Blogovation! I think th..."
Blogovation Design,
08 August 2011
New Challenge Alert!!!
4:28 PM | Posted by
Hey you guys! I have started a new challenge called the One Book A Day Challenge. Now, so of you may already do this but the goal of this challenge is to read and review one book a day so that we can shorten up our superlong TBR list! Technically it started August 1 but you can start and stop whenever you please.
Goal: To read and review one book a day
Purpose: To shorten our evergrowing TBR list
What you need to do if you participate:
Just make a post saying your participating and link back to this post.
Grab the button:
I hope you join the challenge! PS: be on the lookout for my review of Crossroads by Mary Ting later on today!
One Book A Day Challenge
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Total Pageviews
- Guardian of Souls Tour Stop (Review & Giveaway!)
- Exciting Announcements!!!
- Review: Severance by Shawn Kirsten Maravel
- Review: Volition by Shawn Kirsten Maravel
- The Raie'Chaelia Book Tour Stop (Giveaway)
- The Raie'Chaelia Tour Stop (Review)
- Review: Crossroads by Mary Ting
- Gripped into Books: 1000 Followers Giveaway!!!
- Ashley Suzanne: New Blog Design from Blogovation!
- New Challenge Alert!!!